The Lord of the Flies (1954)

          I liked how this was written as an allegory, carrying multilayers of further readings. Knowing about Golding’s background made it fun to imagine the satirical point he was making, and also allowed me to make connections and think about issues possibly alluded in this novel. Although it is filled with British slang, the language is easy to understand, so all age groups can enjoy this read. You can read it as deeply or as shallowly based on how the reader wants to read it and how capable the reader is—an island adventure book for a 13 year old is fun to read as well as a political satire on society for a 40 year old— this book if flooded with potential readings. Despite it being a shorter book, some parts, especially the middle portion felt long due to the uneventful or monotonous scenes. The book’s pace picked up at the end with many surprises. For these reasons and some more, I give this book a rating of 6/10

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